The Forensic Violence Index (FVI) is an evidence based self-report assessment instrument or test that focuses on violence. It is postulated that as anger increases, it can evolve into aggression, which in turn can intensify and evolve into violence.

The Forensic Violence Index (FVI) is designed for use in courts, criminal justice settings, treatment agencies, probation departments, and clinics. Many theories of violence have evolved and several incorporate FVI scales like alcohol, drugs, impulsiveness, antisocial thoughts and behavior and stress management skills as contributing factors.

The Forensic Violence Index (FVI) incorporates seven scales or domains: 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence Scale, 3. Anger Scale, 4. Aggression Scale, 5. Antisocial Scale, 6. Alcohol Scale, 7. Drug Scale, 8. Impulsiveness Scale, and 9. the Stress Management Scale.

The anger-aggression-violence triad is different or unique in that only the highest scoring scale in the triad is displayed in the FVI report. In other words, the dominant (or highest scoring) triad scale is displayed in the FVI report.

The Forensic Violence Index (FVI) contains 154 questions and takes on average 25 minutes to complete. Tests are computer scored and from data (answers) entry printed 3 page reports are available within 2 ½ minutes.